Palm Beach Gardens - November 16th 2017

Top Ten Tips to Keep Thanksgiving Safe

"One year ago, Robert and Merrill Debbs, and their twin children Oakley and Olivia, were on vacation visiting Maine over the Thanksgiving holiday. Their son, Oakley, 11 years old, ate a piece of cake that contained walnut extract and suffered a server reaction that would lead to his passing a few days later. In the wake of their son's tragic outcome from anaphylaxis, Robert and Merrill founded Red Sneakers for Oakley, a non-profit named after Oakley's favorite sneakers, to spread awareness about the dangers of food allergies.

This Thanksgiving, Red Sneakers for Oakley is urging families to take precautions to ensure that their family members and friends with food allergies remain safe with these 10 Tips for a Safe Thanksgiving"


WPTV - November 22nd 2017


Parents - November 14th 2017