Food Allergy Hero of the Month: Jaxon Brobst

By Red Sneaker Ambassador Jaxon Brobst

My name is Jaxon Brobst and I have had food allergies since before I was 1 years old. My parents had a difficult time feeding me as a newborn and tried many different options before I was diagnosed with food allergies.

I am currently allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, egg, and soy (along with environmental and metal allergies). When I was first diagnosed with food allergies my family wasn’t given a lot of information, we were forced to do a lot of research on our own. As I have grown older I have become more responsible for taking care of my food allergies, this is when I decided to start becoming a food allergy advocate. I am lucky to have had only one anaphylactic reaction so far, but I know that another one could easily happen if I am not careful of what I eat.

Having food allergies forces me to constantly be aware of my surroundings, because cross-contact could easily happen, especially with my peanut allergy. Becoming a food allergy advocate has helped me to connect with others with food allergies and has really helped me to feel like I belong. Throughout this last year, I have received the Proclamation for Food Allergy Awareness Week in my city, started social media accounts on TikTok and Instagram (teal_jax) to spread food allergy awareness, presented a poster at FARE Summit, helped organize a Teal Pumpkin Trunk or Treat at my school, and held a Red Sneakers for Oakley Day at my school. In the future I am hoping to hold a larger event during Food Allergy Awareness Week and continue to educate others about food allergies.

Check out this video of Jaxon hosting a Red Sneaker Day at his school to raise awareness about food allergies.

He gave an educational presentation to his class and classmates and school staff all wore red to support the cause.

Video by Toledo Public Schools

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.

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