Merrill Debbs on Honoring Oakley and the Meaning of International Red Sneakers Day

On May 20, wearing red sneakers is more than just a fashion statement – it’s a way of spreading food allergy awareness.

This year marks the third annual International Red Sneakers Day created by Red Sneakers for Oakley (RSFO). The non-profit organization was created in memory of Oakley Debbs who died at the age of 11 in 2016 from a severe anaphylactic reaction. 

In an interview with Allergic Living, Merrill Debbs, Oakley’s mother and one of RSFO’s founders, explains the nonprofits’s two main goals. “The organization’s purpose is to help people with food allergies be able to navigate everyday life. Plus, it’s also to help families who do not have food allergies understand the severity of food allergies,” she says.

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