Red Sneaker Day Spotlight: Hugh & Sybil Wilson

Red Sneaker Days provides a “day” when everyone wears their red sneakers/shoes (or anything red) and participates together to raise awareness for the dangers of food allergies. The goal is not only to increase education and awareness to the communities of those suffering with food allergies, but just as importantly, to educate those who are not directly affected by them.

This mother-son duo of food allergy advocates is making waves in their community when it comes to food allergy awareness! Hugh has been busy spreading food allergy awareness by hosting presentations at his school as well as for his Boy Scout Troop! If you want to educate your community with a food allergy presentation, check out our Days Program Guides for presentations, videos, and more!

Sybil hosted an allergy friendly Book Club! She presented Dr. Ruchi Gupta’s Food Without Fear as the monthly read. She also handed out RSFO’s informational cards, food allergy awareness bracelets, and red sneaker keychains! She was able to host a conversation around food allergy education and awareness while sharing Oakley’s Story.

Red Sneakers

Dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of food allergies through educational programs, community outreach, and advocacy.

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